Massage: Its Benefits

“A bit about bodywork”
Massage Therapy in and of itself is first and foremost a self-care, self-loving & compassionate care practice. Touch is by far the most effective and underutilized way to destress and soothe and soften the aches and pains of life. Most specially in todays fast-paced, abrasive, rush and return the rat-wheel world. It even dates to ancient times- like the ancient civilizations of the Egyptians. Just take for example the first ever essential oil used by Jesus in BC times, Frankincense & Myrrh. In my 15 years of massage practice, I always like to keep it simple and basic at first then work deeper from there. Moving progressively into more complex and subtle modalities, energies and tissue layers.

Self-Care 101~ tips & tricks & techniques.
-Journal- morning minutes spending time writing down your thoughts at the beginning of the day will give you more direction and purpose in life.
-Meditation- sitting in silence starting with 5mins per day at first gradually adding more will allow your mind and body the reset it deserves.
-Reading- a good book goes a long way in both better sleep patterns and providing creative ideas to flow.
-Self-Soothe- listen to your favorite music. Make your favorite nurturing meal. Take a bubble bath with added bath bombs, Epsom salts, and essential oils. Use a Drybrush before and/or after. Wintertime is the best time to begin dry brushing and exfoliating your skin.
-Exercise- move your body in a way that makes you feel good and confident.
-Organize & clean your space using minimalism principles. The act of “letting go” of the stuff within your home allows you to release any stagnant energy as well.
-Find a yoga practice that works for you. Get to know your teacher and ask questions about what movements, stretches, and flows work best for you.
– remember that the body heals in progression slowly over a series of multifaceted layers from inner to outer subtle energy levels. In bringing the body to balance neutrality and homeostasis it can and will heal itself by itself.