


Retail available for purchase both in-store & online include:
All products are plant-based, natural, organic & holistic.
DoTerra – essential oils & nutrition supplements
Simply Earth – essential oils, diffusors, bodycare,
Modere – nutrition & dietary supplements, vitamins and minerals, liquid collagen peptides, skincare.
Alternative Bodyworx – includes our signature rose bodyoil, renewal spot serum & under eye – roll-on to keep your skin hydrated & nourished. Try our “Trio of bodycare” today!

*private small business vendors will be posted. Please subscribe and check the ABX Newsletter for ongoing updates.

Got questions?
Here are some answers.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Endospheres Therapy?2023-04-30T00:58:54+00:00

A machine assisted lymphatic drainage massage that utilizes a microvibration compression technique with a cylinder of silicone spheres to deliver advanced cellulite reduction, reduce dimpling, skin tightening/ toning, anti-aging technology, and boost immune system. Most excellent for post-workout recovery and maintenance routine.

How often should I get bodywork?2023-04-30T00:58:13+00:00

The average healthy adult typically receives a monthly session of prevent and maintain overall health. But if you exhibit more issues with your tissues then a weekly to bi-weekly is highly recommended to progressively workout the kinks. Start with what works for you and progress as health improves.

How is Yoga Therapy different from a yoga class?2023-04-30T00:59:40+00:00

Private individual 1:1 session allows for a more intimate, expanded, creatively customized approach to effectively isolate the problem areas in your foundational yoga practice. This allows the teacher to work in a more spiritually based grounded way. Designed for the yogi that wants to go deeper & get more out of crafting their own conscious practice. Or an athelete’s recovery + rehab from injury.

Do I have to be completely undressed?2023-04-30T00:56:52+00:00

Please undress to your level of comfort. Some modalities require wearing loose-fitting gym clothes to allow for deeper therapeutic stretches. Such as Thai-yoga bodywork therapy & yoga therapy.

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